The MPK offers a wide variety of training ranging from military training for FDF reservists to personal safety and security skills for all Finnish citizens. Photo: Pasi Lindroos
The National Defence Training Association of Finland, (MPK) established in 1993, is a national training organisation, which trains and educates citizens to be prepared for and to survive dangerous situations in everyday life and under exceptional conditions. With this training, we improve and support the readiness of the Finnish Defence Forces and other authorities under normal and exceptional conditions. We work closely together with other volunteer organisations doing security training, educational and informational work.
We offer:
In addition to separate courses our training programs also offer the possibilities to obtain certifications in some of these subjects.
The aim of military training is to support The Defence Forces by offering training that maintains and develops the skills of the reservists. The courses supplement the training provided by the armed forces, focusing on local defence task training. The training is directed and supported by the Defence Forces and includes e.g. basic training, specialized training and leadership courses. The training is taken into account in reserve promotions.
Security training prepares citizens to manage in daily life emergencies and under exceptional circumstances. The courses include training in basic safety skills, e.g. first aid, fire extinguishing, self-defence and orienteering skills. We also support municipalities and other civilian authorities by offering preparedness and civil protection training that promotes preparedness of the citizens, formations and community under exceptional circumstances. Subjects taught include for example search operations, evacuating, mass lodging and provisioning.
We train our own instructors. Eligible candidates for instructor training are adults who are skilled and interested in their own field and who are actively participating in voluntary training.
The training takes place in 7 national defence districts the naval defence district and the air defence district. Approximately 50 000 voluntary citizens participate in the courses each year.
The MPK is an organization with 14 member organizations. Most of the member organizations are NGOs in the national defence field, and the MPK’s cooperation partners include e.g. the Finnish Red Cross and the Finnish Rescue Association.
The National Defence Training Association of Finland
Töölöntorinkatu 2 B.
00260 Helsinki, Finland
Please contact the MPK Head of Communications Miia Iivari at or the MPK Headquarters at
Visits of foreign nationals to MPK Training Sites and Courses in military areas require visitor permits from the Finnish Defence Forces, and must be organized five (5) working days (Mon-Fri) in advance. Please note that most MPK training takes place over the weekend.